Franchising Gives Back 2016 San Antonio, TX
What are the ultimate goals of Franchising Gives Back within the franchise community?
In addition to shining a light on the exemplary leadership demonstrated by franchisors, franchisees and suppliers in their local communities year-round, we have a number of goals.
- A National Registry will gather data and recognize franchise businesses for their community support and charitable initiatives.
- A “Franchising Gives Back” annual report, aggregating and cataloging the contributions of franchise businesses to their communities and charities, will be published each year.
- A “Franchising Gives Back” Awards Program will recognize those companies and businesses with the best, most innovative community support and charitable programs. Several awards in different categories will be presented each year.
- A “Franchising Gives Back” guide will be published to provide information and share best practices with other IFA members who want to develop their community support and charitable activities.
- A public relations program will recognize companies and businesses at the national and community level in coordination with the participating organizations.