Charity Entry by Rosemarie Hartnett
- Published by Rosemarie Hartnett
Abrakadoodle's Arts for All Scholarship is an annual grant that provides funding for selected Abrakadoodle programs that benefit disadvantaged kids in terms of background or abilities. In its ninth year, Abrakadoodle has funded programs that immerse kids in art, providing peaceful and creative treasured moments separate from illness, poverty and other challenging situations. From 2007 through 2013, one worthy program has been selected for funding each year. In 2014, Abrakadoodle expanded the scope of the program, raised and matched additional monies to fund additional programming going forward. The goal of Arts for All is to provide access to Abrakadoodle's programs for children who would not otherwise be able to take part. Why is art so important for all kids? Art helps children develop their Imagination Quotient, known as the other IQ, which researchers, educators, employers and advocates understand is very important to a child's success in school and life. In no other venue can children actively express, explore, create, innovate and challenge without fear of rejection or negative judgment. By the time children reach school age, the focus in education increasingly moves toward testing and conformity, which means that children have less opportunity to be creative. Art teaches students a whole-minded way of thinking that helps to surface and sharpen such abilities as design, empathy, inventiveness and big-picture thinking that they will need in the future. Abrakadoodle is respected for its hands-on comprehensive art education program featuring a process art philosophy that teaches children about art history, classic and contemporary artists, art forms and styles while cultivating creativity and individual self-expression. Abrakadoodle delivers a wide range of programs to include academic art programs as part of the school day at charter schools, public and private schools nationwide; art classes for kids ages 20 months to 12 years old at a wide variety of community sites; art camps offer kids fun and creativity during holiday breaks and summertime by combining themed art lessons with music, games, crafts and special activities for children ages 3-12, as well as art parties and events, such as In School Field Trips, workshops and celebratory parties for one-day creative art experiences. As a mobile art education provider, Abrakadoodle franchise owners are active and involved in their respective communities, creating strong ties reflected in commendable community outreach. Abrakadoodle annually confers a Community Service Award recognizing the contributions of franchise owners to strengthen their communities. Past awards have highlighted such programs as providing Abrakadoodle art classes to pediatric cancer patients, foster children and kids at shelters; free face-painting at school and community fundraisers; donations of art supplies to underserved children in the US and abroad; providing classes for children with developmental disabilities and much more. In partnership with administrators and community allies, franchise owners can plan ahead and apply for Abrakadoodle's Arts for All scholarship to fund worthy programs. Abrakadoodle's Arts for All Scholarship makes a difference in the lives of children by delivering innovative, high quality and creativity-boosting art programs that brings smiles and builds confidence.
Abrakadoodle Arts for All |
Sterling, VA |
120 Volunteers |
$780 |
2000 Hours |